Listen & view The Church - In a Heartbeat lyrics & tabs

Track : In a Heartbeat

Artist : The Church

Album : Hindsight 1980-1987


In a Heartbeat by The Church from album Hindsight 1980-1987

Duration : 3 minutes & 44 seconds.

Listener : 1403 peoples.

Played : 3576 times and counting.

Your room is damp, your love's turning cold
Where is the meaning I thought we could hold
I can't believe what's happened to you
I stand back and watch, there's nothing I can do
What poetry, a delicious joke
All your flame going up in smoke
Just once more, just once again
If I ever get caught here, you'll know who to blame
In a heartbeat and a heartbeat's all that it takes
In a heartbeat see your heartbreak
I play some records but the words are too strange
I call you sometimes but your number's been changed
I will remember every smile and tear
But when I listen to you I don't want to hear

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